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Winter Brings Polio to Syria

By tom On Friday, November 08 th, 2013 · no Comments · In Blog Postings ,Writing

Refugees in Syria face a humanitarian crisis with the outbreak of disease. (U.S. News)

We see the explosions from the artillery shells. There are photos of charred or bullet ridden bodies, crying children and cowering civilians. These are the faces of war that are easily captured and conveyed, and they tell a lot.

What is not captured is the struggle to survive the night. War has many tools to kill and the more silent ones are the disease, the malnutrition and the harsh elements that scorn diplomats and strategists.
As winter approaches in Syria, the drop in temperatures will make the perilous situation many Syrians civilians now face even worse. Whether in refugee camps or in villages with no infrastructure or medical care and suffering from malnutrition, these civilians will continue to weaken.
This has happened before, of course. In 1991, many Kurds froze to death in the mountains as they fled Iraqi troops. Humanitarian workers used to wait until morning to see what lumps of snow did not move in order to determine who recently died.To read the entire column, please go here



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