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Situational Awarness

By tom On Saturday, March 23 rd, 2013 · no Comments · In Novels ,Reciprocal Hospitality

Chapter Four —  “That’s Righteous, Brother”


Six word stories: Hemingway did it, so can you.


What will your obit say?


The basic interview methods. Then how to build on them.


Writing in one’s own voice.


Why the rules matter – and why they don’t.



Checkpoint K-Y: The Value of Marlboro Reds and their friends


Should Your Trust Anyone? Should you trust AND verify?


What will you do to “succeed?” Who and what will thwart you?


“That’s Righteous, Brother” — The importance of words and punctuation.


What is the scariest moment you have had in your life?


Is it ever okay to lie?

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