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A Re-do almost a century later

By tom On Saturday, November 03 rd, 2012 · no Comments · In Blog Postings

The possible Balkanization of Syria is an increasingly likely prospect – at least for the short-term – and could provide a historic counterpoint in the Middle East to what the West did to carve up the region almost a century ago.

With the Ottoman Empire defeated after World War One, the trimuphent Allies sought to ensure their version of stability in the Middle East by eviserating the Ottoman Empire, creating Iraq, Syria and Jordan and renaming Persia. They promised the Kurds a homeland, then broke their promise. In were the British, French and Arabs – out were the Turks and Kurds.

Now, with Syria in freefall and Iraq festering with  its own internal battles, those two groups that were out a century ago could—if crafty and prgamatic – drive a new map of the region.

For the entire posting please go here

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