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A look back at Trump’s first run

By tom On Saturday, October 24 th, 2015 · no Comments · In Blog Postings ,Writing

It was a fascinating campaign swing. There was “The Tonight Show” and Michael Bolton. There was a reception in a swank hotel where those attending stuffed food in their pockets and where two guys hired escorts to be their dates in order to appear classy. The next day, there was a museum event and a Tony Robbins pay-for-play, pump-it-up event complete with pyrotechnics that we in the media watched to see if they would ignite the candidate’s hair on fire.

It was 1999, and Donald Trump was running for president, sort of, in what now can be cast as his dress rehearsal for the current effort. Almost all that he has showed in 2015 was very clear during those few months of 1999.

Few paid attention then.

In 1999, Trump quit the Republican Party to join the Reform Party and seek that party’s presidential nomination. As he used to say back then about women around the world, he clearly believed “he had a shot” at the nomination — and he just may have.


For the full column, please click here

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