Tag : “Tom Squitieri and USA TODAY”
Where Are You Elizabeth?
Where are you Elizabeth? The roses that Gabriella and I planted in the back yard are already looking beautiful. The strawberry plants have lined the brick wall we built. And later in the summer, the tomatoes and peppers and eggplants will be ready for your tasting. You love my meals. The duck dinner in SarajevoRead moreFace The Nation – 7/29/01
(CBS) BOB SCHIEFFER: Today on Face the Nation, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, and the latest on the missing intern from D.C. Police Chief Charles Ramsey. Secretary of State Colin Powell just finished the Bush administration’s highest-level talks to date with Chinese officials. Did he make any headway on a missile defense system or on human rights?Read moreCountdown with Keith Olbermann’ for July 23, 2004
COUNTDOWN opening tonight with the fallout from the September 11 report. Up next, the No. 4 story: Special delivery to Iraq. More money, more ammo, and more music? That‘s not a joke. OLBERMANN: Next here on COUNTDOWN, supporting America‘s bravest, by bringing back into service all if its retired band members. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) OLBERMANN: TheRead moreCNN THE POINT WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN
Is the Search for Chandra Levy Nearing an End? Aired July 30, 2001 – 20:30 ET ANNOUNCER: THE POINT WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SUSAN LEVY, CHANDRA LEVY’S MOTHER: I’m not giving up, but my heart aches. (END VIDEO CLIP) ANNOUNCER: Police say there is only a 50-50 chance we will everRead moreBrian Hart tells the reality
MONDAY, MAY 09, 2005 Food for thought on Squitieri firing Brian Hart writes in to Romenesko: Tom Squitieri was evidently forced to resign [from USA Today] over a quote from me which I have related to several reporters. It concerned a phone call in October 2003 from my son in Iraq a week before heRead more