A Fat Wallet
A Fat Wallet, Chapter One
._.—–;-‘<“, “‘”‘”~___f_’._.~,____ • ——~~—————————————————————— ONE It was raining outside of Puffy’s. No surprise. It had been raining allover the city for the last four days. When it slowed to a sprinkle, people pretended the sun was out, closed their umbrellas and acted like they were dry. Except for Ron Guerriero. He was hardly wet atRead moreChapter One: Ulysses Grant never looked more handsome
It was raining outside of Puffy’s. No surprise. It had been raining all over the city for the last four days. When it slowed to a sprinkle, people pretended the sun was out, closed their umbrella and acted like they were dry. Except for Ron Guerriero. He was hardly wet at all, sitting ina carRead more